First Blood
Our darling crazed Goblin Child has hurt her self many times in the past. Never any thing too bad. This one in particular comes to mind. She banged her lip up, it bled a little.Tonight she was running happily, crazily down the drive way when it happened. We knew it would but what can you do? Never let them run? She tripped over her own feet, again, and crashed into the gravel. We scooped her up and looked for blood. Her palms were lightly scuffed, her mouth was fine. Then we spotted the rock stuck to her forehead. Gently brushing the gravel away we opened the flood gates. Embedded into the skin the very tiny boulder had been staunching the flow.
Blood gushed down her face cascading off her nose soaking her fathers shirt. We hurried to the house, gathered supplies and staunched the flow of blood. She cried and sobbed.
Untill I let her climb on the dog house she isn’t supposed to climb on. A shriek was interrupted by giggles. We gave her the hose and all pain was forgotten as she chased us and the cat. She’s a tough little thing.
poor Elly that will probably leave a scar. I remember Sabbath 2 bad cut we were playing happily on the slide win he fell back off the top hitting his forehead on the floor there was so much blood there is still a big scar I\’m happy she likes the dog house
oh my! That looks so bad. Nothing hurts more than that which hurts our children. Don\’t you think parenthood is one of the greatest lessons from God on how he feels about us?