14 April 2020

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPppppppppppppppppppppPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP[PPpoOOOOOOPPpPpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp-ppppppppppppppppppppppppp chips I want chips mama!!and mick and ike. I want water!


I told them to write something. I guess this counts.

School is still going good most of the time. Yesterday I let them stay in instead of coming with to feed and it was awful. Today I made them come and they were great again. Apparently they need lunged before getting down to work πŸ˜‰

The Goblin Child flies through a days worth of school work in an hour when she’ll sit down and concentrate. They each get one Mike and Ike, or whatever candy we have on hand for each paper finished then a jackpot of free time on the computer when school is finished.

My favorite part is when they work together, usually on math. The Goblin Child quizzes 8 on the answers and they work through them together, on her math homework that is. Nothing cements knowledge like teaching someone else.

It’s been really cold the last few days but when it’s nicer out they are coming with to feed and helping feed the bottle calves.We have three right now and it’s a big job for them. The Goblin Child is old enough now to hold a bottle on her own. It can be pretty intimidating and heavy. The both got hammers the other day to help do repairs to the calves windbreak and didn’t even bash themselves in the face.

They come with most of the time to check cows. 8 is very good at driving the 4wheeler he can drive all the way through the pasture and is getting really good at backing it. The Goblin Child wont try yet but she will drive it through gates, which is better than nothing. They both are good at working the controls in the feed truck and helping with that.



2 April 2020

Great Timing

Now. Now when riding your horse isn’t politically correct, The Goblin Child has decided she wants to ride horses.

All this time I’ve been trying to get her to participate, to get her to do ground work or just sit on a horse and she’s refused.

I was working with Harvey the other day and she ordered me to lead him over to a place where she could get on. Of course I let her. The next day she decided to sit on Rusty while we worked and go for a ride. Yesterday I saddled Smoke for her and we went for a walk. 8 decided he wanted on behind and the four of us walked out to the mail box and back.

8 decided at the mail box that he wanted to walk. He is very slow. Smoke was headed home and going fast. It made for an interesting trip.