24 October 2024

October, So Far

A quick photo dump and recap of Oct so far.
We did see the comet. It was pretty. The kids lasted this long, lost interest, went back inside. I did technically succeed in getting a picture of the combine with the comet. Kind of. If you look really close you can almost see it.
Before we could get the corn combined, the cows on our neighbors pasture decided to move in permanently. We put them back constantly. We rebuilt the neighbors fence for him. He should be responsible for his right half. This is a sore spot because when they bought the place the first thing they did is call and complain about OUR fence. Then he turned cows in with no fence at all on his half.
But anyway,
We did get the corn out before they ate it all. Most of it. Then the combine got a little ouchie. The axle broke in half. But God is good. It broke with one strip left. And it exposed a crack in the frame too, which would have made a much bigger mess if it had broke instead. As it was they only had to back a semi through one row of corn to unload. Still working on getting it fixed.
We have been picking and carving pumpkins like crazy. No Halloween party this year 🙁 The kids have taken turns being very sick for extended periods, then their father, now it’s my turn. Combined we have managed to be sick since the beginning of Sept. It kind of ruined most fun plans for the fall.
And last, my favorite milk cow blew an abscess out in her udder. Went to the vet. She pulled the chunk out, the vet dog grabbed it and took off with her yummy treat 🤣🤮 The cow was left with this. It is slowly, hopefully healing. That quarter wont be any good, but it already wasn’t.