Bawk – Chicken
Maw/Prrrr – Kitty

Dizzeeee – Daisy
Mmmmmmm(very high pitched in the middle) – Cows
Snort snort – Pig
Growl(with hands held in air) – Bear
Cluck (sound made with tongue) – Horse
Aaaagh – Sheep
Oo ooo – Owl
Sticking tongue in and out quickly and damply – Frog/lizard
Vrrrr(lots of grumbling) – Tractor/feed truck
Dare – Take me over there, now.
No(with pointing) – Nose
Uh uh (with a wave of hand in-front of face) – I am done eating, I do not want anymore and may never eat any of that again especially if we have just stocked up on what was previously a favorite.
Dat Dat – That, I would like that please. That right there, can you not see that I want that? Please give me that!
Danu (undetermined sound made upon being given something) – Thank You
Enthusiastic waving and blowing kisses in the air – Motions made to anybody who is showing no interest. Never when someone is talking to her or says goodbye.
Circle motions with hand while nodding happily – Please keep spinning the chair in circles until I am sick and throw up on the floor
Pathetic whimpering while clawing desperately for the remote – My show has stopped! Make it go again! I know that thing makes it go somehow if you wont do it fast enough let me try. Why don’t you love me enough to make it go again?
Holding hand out to object not quite touching then pulling it quickly back shaking it and holding hand to mouth – That is hot we aren’t supposed to touch it it will hurt. Maybe mom or dad would like to touch it? Please? It will be fun just try. Here let me show you how. (Grabbing your hand and pushing towards hot object)
Ewwy oo is vewy, vewy cute!