7 June
Second Day
Today she skiped the warm up and went straight to the saddle
There is a whole herd of Australian Shepards that come to help
At least three, they are adorable
A little more ground driving
He did better than yesterday
When Allen isn’t helping train he helps babysit
We missed seeing the rest of the family today
I don’t know what Sandra was up to
But I understand that some of them were inside watching cartoons
How could that be more fun than this?
They worked on the longeline again
Managed to get a stride or two of canter
Then Allen cut her lose
Sent them out to brave the arena alone
It looked to me like they did pretty good
He seemed like he gave to the bit nicely
Paula said a couple of times that she felt him move off of her leg
It was a hard work out for every body involved
Only one of us got to enjoy a nice roll
But then he was so filthy that Allen decided that poor Paula needed to give him a bath
You would think it would feel good on a hot day
He however was not at all sure about it
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