24 January 2019

Toothless, 1

Her front teeth have been lose since long before Christmas. Probably more like Thanksgiving. I begged her to get them out during the Christmas season so she could sing All I Want For Cwithmith Is My Two Fwont Tweeth. She refused. Christmas came and went and still the front teeth stayed.

The grown up teeth were working their way down quickly. The baby teeth were becoming sadly misshapen. they were both trying to share the middle spot, over lapping and starting to grow at odd angles. Still they refused to come out.

They wiggled and squiggled and didn’t seem to have anything holding them in, but still they stayed.

At school yesterday I stopped to say hi to her at lunch before picking up 8. She showed me how one tooth was sticking almost straight out forward. Then she tried to lick me. I covered her mouth with my hand. I pulled away and looked the other way. When I looked back she was staring at her hand held cupped in front of her face.

Looking closer, in the hand was a TOOTH! It had finally come out. Apparently when I “hit” her in the mouth. She was a celebrity. All the other kids wanted to see!! Her gum was bleeding slightly which added to the appeal.

I took the tooth from her and sent her on out to recess. That night she carefully tucked the tooth away in her special tooth pillow to wait for the tooth fairy.

The next morning she grabbed excitedly for the pillow…

To find the tooth still there! BAD tooth fairy!!

Her father thought quick and pointed out how cold it was. Maybe it was too cold for tooth fairies to fly? We ate breakfast and after she left the table he wrote a note from the tooth fairy explaining how her wings had froze up preventing her prompt arrival. We snuck them into her room then told her we heard a noise.

She came and looked and found that the tardy half frozen tooth fairy had finally arrived. The day was saved!

I didn’t hurry to get a picture because I thought I’d have time…

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted January 24, 2019 by Neversummer in category "Uncategorized


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