It’s only October. I’ve been decorating for fall, we aren’t supposed to be getting a blizzard.
We are ready for Halloween
Got the corn up
And the pumpkins out
The last harvest from the garden
We are not ready for snow
It is a strange and wonderful thing
It started innocently enough
But it kept snowing
Until I think it counts as a blizzard
My poor scarecrow is buried
My corn is smashed
There are large pumpkins under there somewhere
I sent her out to play in it, dad sent her back
He wanted to shovel in peace
We are quiet buried
This was the garden
My pumpkins
We tried to cover a few tomatoes, I don’t think it worked
The Marrigolds were still blooming
Leaves still on all the trees
They will all probably look like this
Thank goodness for the treerow
I can’t imagine how bad it must be on the other side
We are very nicely sheltered on this side
Happy Fall
that was pretty depressing. Even when it melts, every thing will be dead. Glad we werent there
that looks like fun you could go play with your snow plow