11 February 2019

Kiwi Crates

They’ve been building up all summer. The children beg to work on them we tell them to wait until it’s not so nice outside. To wait until we aren’t so busy with other things.

Now is that time.

It’s cold and icky outside. They can only play the Tractor Game and Minecraft so much. In between they work on the Kiwi Crates. It’s a great family activity. For the rest of the family. My inability to read directions forces me to forgo this pleasure. So sad 😉


10 February 2019

Girls Day Out

It seems like it has been cold forever but I know it was warm once. I know because we went out and played in it. heather brought Whitten and Brenna and Owen over and we climbed all over the hay bales and ran around out side.

Then to make a god day even better Tanna came over and she and Heather and I abandoned my poor long suffering husband with the children and went for a ride. The horses were crazed and zipping all over the place. We laughed and screamed trying to talk over the wind. Tanna found a hair ball, not from a cat but out of a cows stomach. Hard and round, like a rock but light as a feather. We inspected it carefully and showed it to the kids. They were distinctly unimpressed. Then sent it home with Tanna, its finder.

Then the cold weather moved back in and we returned to the indoors, hoping to ride again some day.


4 February 2019

Confidence Challenge, Scary Object Edition

It officially starts today!

A friend of mine approached me at the end of last year. She wanted to know if our other friend Ineke and I would be interested in putting on an online training course. It sounded fun to us so we all umped right in. It took a good while to plan and get everything down and working. Now, finally, it is going! Not only did it fill up, within two days!, but we also have a waiting list for the next one already.

We all do clicker training with our horses, and our dogs, and children, and husbands, and anything else we can get our hands on. Now we are working hard to teach more people about it. Jain is the tech guy, lady 😉 she is one of the few people who’s work my very particular husband approves of! As well experienced in online training stuff. Ineke is the sweet hippy chick who is great with people as well as horses, I actually did a lot of writing for the course and am happy to be along for the ride.

If this goes well we are looking forward to doing more like it!

I am Noche, in case you were wondering who in the world those people were  😉  Who wants to use their real names online. I certainly don’t!

Category: Horses | LEAVE A COMMENT
25 January 2019

Toothless, 2

With only one tooth left in front after the two of them had been fighting for the middle spot the remaining one got to take over the center. She looked like a young adorable hillbilly. She wouldn’t let me take a picture and I didn’t try very hard to get one because there was no rush. I would have time. She looked so adorable.

When I Picked her up from the bus after school the next day she showed me how she could bend her tooth clear backwards. I appear to be overcoming my revulsion for wiggly teeth. Instead of gagging I noticed that was bending CLEAR backwards and there was very little holding it in. I told her just to pull it out. She said she couldn’t.

We sat on the couch that evening watching a bit of tv. Without a word she left. Disappearing for awhile. She returned tooth in hand and an even more gap toothed grin. She had done the deed.

This time the tooth fairy was very careful to remember to visit. It was probably easier to keep her wings de-iced since she was already in the neighborhood.

24 January 2019

Toothless, 1

Her front teeth have been lose since long before Christmas. Probably more like Thanksgiving. I begged her to get them out during the Christmas season so she could sing All I Want For Cwithmith Is My Two Fwont Tweeth. She refused. Christmas came and went and still the front teeth stayed.

The grown up teeth were working their way down quickly. The baby teeth were becoming sadly misshapen. they were both trying to share the middle spot, over lapping and starting to grow at odd angles. Still they refused to come out.

They wiggled and squiggled and didn’t seem to have anything holding them in, but still they stayed.

At school yesterday I stopped to say hi to her at lunch before picking up 8. She showed me how one tooth was sticking almost straight out forward. Then she tried to lick me. I covered her mouth with my hand. I pulled away and looked the other way. When I looked back she was staring at her hand held cupped in front of her face.

Looking closer, in the hand was a TOOTH! It had finally come out. Apparently when I “hit” her in the mouth. She was a celebrity. All the other kids wanted to see!! Her gum was bleeding slightly which added to the appeal.

I took the tooth from her and sent her on out to recess. That night she carefully tucked the tooth away in her special tooth pillow to wait for the tooth fairy.

The next morning she grabbed excitedly for the pillow…

To find the tooth still there! BAD tooth fairy!!

Her father thought quick and pointed out how cold it was. Maybe it was too cold for tooth fairies to fly? We ate breakfast and after she left the table he wrote a note from the tooth fairy explaining how her wings had froze up preventing her prompt arrival. We snuck them into her room then told her we heard a noise.

She came and looked and found that the tardy half frozen tooth fairy had finally arrived. The day was saved!

I didn’t hurry to get a picture because I thought I’d have time…

20 January 2019


Cade has been bugging my poor beleaguered husband about Minecraft for quite awhile now. he is nothing if not a doting uncle and loving father so he put it on one of the computers. Then a couple of kids would squeeze in front of it and play together.

So he put it on another computer too. And made it s they could play in the same world, their little square computer people. But still more children wanted to play. So he got another computer set up.

Who knew that playing computer games was such a social event?

The kids and the cousins get together and play together, both in the same room and in the same computer world. Building things in a team effort, killing each other, supporting each other. Leaving their seats to g help the other one out when something is hard to figure out. Taking breaks form the very active screen time to go outside and climb on the bales.

I can really get behind this kind of screen time.

19 January 2019


The Goblin Child joined the robotics group this fall. The little kids one that is. I volunteered to help because I like the idea behind it and want to encourage both children to do this.

The kids, some of them, worked really hard and came up with some good ideas. In The Goblin Child’s group there were a couple of great older kids and they came up with an idea that was great. The theme was building a base on the moon. They had lots of Legos and a motor to motorize one of them. They had to build a moon base with ways to provide water, power, and food. Lots of other stuff too.

Their idea started with a simple fish tank. hen they added filling it with grey water that turned a generator as it flowed into the tank. In the tank were fish of course, but also water plants grown to eat and produce oxygen, gravel to help filter the water and capture all waste for future use as fertilizer. Then out of the tank through another filter and back into the water supply.

The oldest boy in the group designed and built a crane that turned around powered by the motor they had to work with. the whole thing was wonderful and well done.

Today was the competition. Everyone got up early to get their kids clear down to Sydney in time. All the work and effort of the last few months and now was the time to show it off. I was more than a little grouchy when there were no microphones, nobody could hear or see a thing of what was going on. The they took a break to decide on the winner. They came back to hand out awards to….


Yay. They all got participation awards. The ones who did nothing got exactly the same as the ones who worked hard at it. There was no point to any of it. Sure the kids got to spend their evenings working hard on a project. I suppose they should appreciate the experience? But why bother? If the competition is so completely meaningless why not just get together and build with Legos? We could skip the long drive. We could skip the expensive products from Lego and use regular blocks. We could skip the team shirts. We could let the kids build what ever they want and not be forced into the yearly theme. It might be more fun for them.

But anyway.


18 January 2019

Old Fashioned Games

When The Goblin Child invented a game this fall she was so proud of herself. Mostly it showed that there is nothing new under the sun. I told her that her great grandpa used to play that game when he was a little boy. That when I was little he had taken me out in their backyard with a metal hoop off a wagon wheel and a stick. We had spent hours rolling it down the hill.

It didn’t bother her that she hadn’t found a new game. Instead she was even more excited that she was playing the game her grandpa played. They spent the warm weather rolling the hoop all around the yard.