Swimming Hole
We got to go to our favorite swimming hole yesterday. It’s been awhile. We didn’t get to go at all last year.
It’s just a bend in the river in the middle of someones pasture near the gravel road. The people who own the pasture allow people to come swim, which is incredibly nice of them in today’s sue happy world. It’s only locals which helps. People from the surrounding farms.
It is wide and shallow. Except for the water fall which is deep and rapid. Perfect for the kids to explore and scare us to death. It has moved back a good long ways from where it was last time we were there. Now there is a deep fast channel at the base. I jumped in to join the kids in the fun and never touched bottom. It’s probably incredibly dangerous.
That’s makes it that much more fun.
Where is this swimming hole and what creek or river is it? I never knew such places were near Hay Springs. What a fun time for the kids!
The swimming hole is in the Upper Niobrara, At the end of the oil road down on the flats, next to Kelly bean. Not being well known is the key to it still being there and available I think. A wonderful little hidden treasure.
I should say it is a wonderful little hidden treasure. May it stay that way!