27 March 2017

A Chilly Spring Day

After church, and lunch, I took the children to the park so their father could take a sanity break at Walmart. Someone needed to get groceries.




Once home we took naps! I rode Rusty, out into the corner of the pivot. He was very good. My hard working husband finished mowing the lawn. After naps they wanted to fly a kite.


After that, because it was so nice out? Because they are insane? They ran through the sprinkler for awhile.

It was a busy cold spring day.

25 March 2017

Reading, Riding and ‘Rithmatic

Not that there’s any reading in this one but we do that all the time. I wanted to show what The little Goblin Child usually rides like. When her world is not collapsing because her lead rope is the wrong color. She’s such a good little rider. Tanna and I were going out to sort some pairs and she wanted to come with us instead of riding in the pay loader with her father. Unfortunatly she faced the same delima as last time. Her horse or her saddle. She chose her saddle and was going to get on behind me on Coyote.
I put her up and let her ride by herself through the gates. In the first pen I turned her loose, she had been loose the whole time so I guess I chased Coyote away from me. He was glued to my shoulder begging me to save him from small children.

We have been working with 8 on very simple counting for awhile now. How many eyes do you have? One, two, two eyes. While swinging at the park the other day I decided to try to teach counting the way I did with The Goblin Child, I would count to three as he repeated after me then at three I would let the swing go.

He was getting it. He counted to three once. I frantically grabbed for my phone, tried to figure out how to hold it and catch him at the same time. And he never did it again. Dang kids. He got kind of close though and looked cute doing it, that’s a start.


20 March 2017

The Pink Lead Rope

It was the last nice day. I caught Princess Onna and Coyote and saddled Princess Onna so we could go out for a nice ride. At first it went well.

The Goblin Child’s beautiful pink lead rope is long, very long, longer than what is really useful. I traded lead ropes. Coyotes shorter green rope would be easier not to get tangled in and to keep from dragging while ponying. The long pink lead rope would work fine as reins for me and 8 on Coyote, I would just tie a bigger knot to take up some of the length. It seemed simple.

Then this started as soon as we got through the gate into the cattle and she noticed.


I was going to take her over to a fence line, set her down and tell her to walk home after I switched lead ropes and gave her the stupid pink one. It’s not that easy a thing to switch with two squirming children and prancey horses, so I tried to ignore her. By the time we got back to the corrals it had progressed to this


When we got back to the house I switched lead ropes so she had the pink one. She sat on Onna and balled. I turned 8 loose with Coyote and had at least one happy child until he fell on his little butt. Then there were two screamers.


Why do I even try?

14 March 2017

Life Lessons

We all piled on the four-wheeler and rode along to check the cows. As soon as we pulled into the corrals, there was a cow about to calve. We sat and watched, the children were hilarious. 8 kept saying baby, baby, baby. The Goblin Child was full of questions, most of which you can hear in the video.

I have more video of her cleaning him up later it is >here<.


11 March 2017

Welcome To The Terrible Two’s

The first birthday party we planned was canceled on account of snow. The next try went much better.
We got the bouncy houses, otherwise known as the refuge, for the evening. A very carefully scheduled evening. It is booked solid and you get exactly the amount of time you reserve. There was another party immediately following ours and another after that.

We had only invited a few families but by the time whole families come it makes for a large crowd. With the bouncy houses there was room for all and I didn’t have to clean house! Plus the kids like it, I guess that’s a bonus.

With only our group there, the need for decorum and acting like an adult was gone and the grown ups might have enjoyed it just as much as the children. We all got in on it, bouncing like idiots and plunging down the slides.


It was a great night and The goblin Child was very jealous and plans to have her party there this summer.

11 March 2017

The Blog Is Back

It was out of commission temporarily while it got moved to a new server. But it’s back and better than ever.

I need to get 8’s birthday written about but first, well, I may be a bad mother.

I let him out the door then tried to hurry his sister after. She is impossible to hurry. I peeked out the door to check on him and heard screams. It scared me half to death until I saw the reason for his screams.

24 February 2017

A Little Snow For 8’s Birthday

It was only last night (or the night before that now) that we were out in jackets, at sunset, going for a nice ride.

Today it snows. Lots of snow. In the drifts at least. I had been inside most of the day. 8 went to help feed and The Goblin Child and I went out to try to convince the horses to go into the barn. They didn’t stay of course. So we jumped at the chance to ride along to pick up the mail. I envisioned a fun jaunt through the drifts out to the mail box and back. Then we’d play outside for awhile.

In reality even the good old blazer had trouble getting going. Then we made it half way out the drive, with the ride going just as I had expected, before plowing into a drift and coming to an abrupt halt. At the top of the hill was a drift as high as the blazer, it’s bottom at least. We got stuck. Snow was backed in tight around the under carriage, it was not budging.

My brave and chivalrous husband walked back to get a tractor.

With the snowblower he dug his way back to us, pulled the blazer home. He and 8 went off to blow more snow while The Goblin Child and I went off to play in the snow. I don’t know how much we got, a foot maybe? It wasn’t too bad of a snow, nothing like our Christmas blizzard.

It was enough though that we cancelled 8’s birthday party. Poor little guy, they were looking forward to the bouncy houses. I think he is just as happy though out in the tractor this morning feeding cows and, probably, moving snow. We’ll try for the bouncy houses again next week.

Until then Happy Birthday 8!!


19 February 2017

Lots Going On

Just not enough time to write about it all. I’ve been writing lots over on Rusty’s page but this one gets neglected. Between working with and writing about Rusty and my OTHER project I’ve been working on there hasn’t been any more time to write.

That OTHER project? It’s my favorite one right now. I’ve been shouting it out to anyone who will listen, and many who wont πŸ˜‰ everywhere except here, so I thought I would fix that.

My mom wrote a book. She’s written many, the kids have quite a few that she wrote for them for Christmas and such. The last one though was even better than usual, and they’re always good. I decided something should be done with it and started to work on getting it published. I was going to surprise her with it then discovered that I needed her help to publish her book. Surprise, surprise. So we’ve been working together to get it ready to print and figure out the process. It’s been a really fun project to do together.

This particular book was about our constant attempts to ride to a nearby “mountain”. Somewhere I wrote a blog post about the time we made it as far as the gate at the bottom of the mountain. Fiction is kinder and in the book we make it. Plus some other fun stuff.

She has a facebook page about the book and soon, hopefully, more books. She is working on revamping at least one of the other ones she has written for the kids and some new ones maybe. She’s shy, she would have never made the facebook page for herself, or tried to get a book published so of course she wanted a pen name.

Here are some pictures of our latest attempt at reaching the mountain and a couple of pictures from the book of us actually making it to the mountain.

10 February 2017

Not Much Going On

We got an awesome box in the mail from Grandma for 8’s birthday. They had a blast opening it.



I thought I should share this so if my children ever start showing signs of brain damage everyone can know where to put the blame. Plus they were cute inflicting it upon themselves.

We woke up to forty some degrees this morning. Although it’s cloudy it almost feels hot out. All our snow melted overnight, almost, leaving lots of mud. When 8 disappeared out the door in just a diaper and boots we didn’t try to stop him, just added a shirt. And sent his sister out too. They frolicked in the mud and water and wanted to ride Princess Onna. They wore boots and helmets, I think we had all the bases covered right?

27 January 2017

Blowing Snow

Dad. Justin, this one’s for you guys.

The driveway was well blown in. Plowing more only makes higher drifts. Unless it’s a major undertaking, like last year. They spent days plowing snow way back into the wheat. It took forever and the wheat showed the wear and tear that summer. My very efficient husband kept wondering at the time why they weren’t just hooking up the snow blower.

This year he got to it first. He hooked up the snowblower.