Lack of Sleep
I have been decidedly lazy in my posting lately. Partially because it’s summer, that means incredibly busy even without a small child. Add him to the pile and it really gets crazy. And partially because of the small child. Although it would be unfair to blame every difficulty in life on poor little 8 this one is definitely his fault. He may have began his life as a good sleeper but those days are long over.
It has reached a point where if he is only up two or three times a night I consider it a good night and last nights six whole hours of sleep leaves me better rested than I have been in days. I think he’s doing better or it could be that my already over worked husband is taking some of the night watch, hence the good nights sleep for me last night if not him.
It’s hard to put thoughts together enough to write when I am barely able to function but I am determined, both to write and that he shall sleep.
did the little goblin enjoy her plane ride? The kids look so cute, 8 is getting so big. Looks like a fun summer, a beautiful fall.I do believe sleep, like leading a horse to water, depends on the one partaking. But I do wish you luck.