Country School
It’s official now. School is canceled for the next two weeks. To start with.
On the first day today the staff had to go in, we don’t have any cases anywhere near us, this is just an excess of caution. School is going to go on from a distance. They went in and got prepared.
The cousins came over since their mom had to go in.
We started the day by checking cows. Calving is starting and they need a close eye kept on them. They can be watched even closer if there are many children here who need kept busy. We followed the path that is safe to get through, avoiding deep snow drifts and any hill that is too steep. Talked about exactly what needs to be looked for in the cows and to be sure to check the far corners for any cow that wanders off alone. For the rest of the day it was their job to go make sure there were no new calves.
When there are new calves they will get to learn about anatomy, science, even sex ed. Something farm kids generally have covered. They learn about what to look for when a cow is having trouble, how to tell if a calf has nursed. Maybe they’ll get to help pull a calf as the season goes on.
Inside there was computer time. I love watching them play together, together online and together in the same room. They jump up and down running to each others computers, they talk and plan, It’s a very social undertaking.
In between games they wrestled and played. Games were invited that had never been heard of before. The laughed and spread toys from one end of the house to the other. Or we all went outside. They disappeared off to climb hay bales while I worked a horse, then wandered back muddy and bedraggled.
Late afternoon as everyone got tired and hungry we made cookies. 8 wanted to make sugar cookies. Make them in a pattern, square, star, square star. I was sad to tell him we didn’t have a square cookie cutter.
But, who needs a pattern to follow!
We could cut out our own! We could make his square, we could make triangles, we could make any shape we wanted. It could be geometry!
Together the kids figured out measurements and ran the beater. Then, armed with the roller, butter knives and forks we began to role out the cookie dough. Flour went everywhere, except on the table. Dough stuck to the roller. Little fingers scraped it free of the table. There was nothing square about the squares. The tip was cut off a triangle. The Goblin child held it up. Look! It’s a… What’s the name of that shape again?
We made some guesses. No, No, not that. Oh yeah, trapezoid! Well if you say so dear. I have no clue.
One of the misshapen shapes looked like the state of Alabama! We were off on a new kick. I pointed at a square, look we have Colorado too! Or maybe it’s Wyoming? I can’t tell for sure. The others morphed into Illinois and Nebraska.
There did even end up being some stars.
Maybe tomorrow we’ll make it as far as getting some of them frosted, there might be a few left.
The teachers are getting homework together to send out. I’m hoping we can continue on with it in our small group. The older ones can help the younger ones. Nothing helps cement learning like teaching it to someone else. The younger ones may even be able to help the older ones. With geometry at least.
It will be like the old country schools, all the grades together. Learning, playing, working.
A few extra pictures of all the kids playing together along with our homeschool day.