14 December 2014

Facebook Gone Wrong

Of course those who know me know that I consider Facebook to be wrong even when it goes right.

Having recently helped my Grandmother to get a smartphone we have embarked on an adventure together. It remains to be seen if either of us will survive, but it’s been fun. With a phone there must come Facebook; how else to keep up with friends and family? With the rather dubious help of my mother she has begun to experiment with commenting. Through speech-to-text of course which only adds to the adventure. So with lots of begging for forgiveness grandma, here is a fine example of the joys of modern technology. Can you guess what she was trying to say?

Grandma commenting on a picture of a new pair of pants:
-How The Hobbit kathryn grey black pants why didn’t you take a picture of them I only saw the top half of you buddy
-Sorry kathryn I was trying to say what they used to say many years ago and not grey black but black pants sorry I’ve been drinking by
The wearer of the pants, baffled:
-I can’t help that I’m short lol

Grandma to her other granddaughter:
-What an adorable little snow girl you look very pretty Melanie this is your great grandma died
-I’m I’m sending a correction to my earlier message I did not die I am the microphone picks up the strange things I think I said I start to say to tammie did I and then hit picked up dad died sorry I’m not dead by

Here’s hoping  Grandma will still speak to me after posting this. She’s doing a great job with the new phone even if she doesn’t always think so. These very amusing mistakes come from the speech to text and are not her doing. And should definitely mention that she wasn’t drinking. Never having had a computer of any sort it’s a big jump from flip phone to smart phone. Be patient and keep trying Grandma, you’re doing good.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted December 14, 2014 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Soapbox


  1. By Stephanie on

    I think the smart phones do it on purpose, once I used talk to text my sister \” Sabbath misses his auntie\” came out \”Navagon misses his panties\”…..

  2. By tellingson on

    Hah! Every time I read those comments I start laughing again! It was so funny when it happened, we really enjoyed trying to figure out how the possessed phone works. Love Stephs comment too!

  3. By tellingson on

    Hah! Every time I read those comments I start laughing again! It was so funny when it happened, we really enjoyed trying to figure out how the possessed phone works. Love Stephs comment too!


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