Finally There
We got to Lincoln late and went up to see my brother and his family who had beat us there. The children all climbed in the tub with my brother for a quick swim, it was a big tub. We picked up Runza! and brought it to the hotel for a late supper when who should show up but my parents. Not that we were surprised but they were certainly taking their time getting there. It was long past everybody’s bed times so we went to bed looking forward to seeing everybody again the next day.
The next morning my husbands aunt joined us for breakfast. We were so glad she was able to come see us, we always love to get to visit with her. It was far to brief and somewhat interrupted by the hotels fire alarm going off. We were sitting next to the door and there was no sign of smoke so, other than my husband, the dedicated father, going to find The Goblin Child who was off with the rest of the family, we didn’t see any need for alarm. They finally got it shut off, it was a false alarm, about the time we were ready to go and we headed off to the zoo.
The zoo was fun and exhausting. After dragging our tired selves out of there we went to Romeos for a belated birthday supper and stuffed ourselves to the gills.
That night the two older cousins enjoyed a sleepover with Grammy and Different Papa. For some reason they wouldn’t take the two yearlings. The party animals stayed up till all hours of the night, ate popcorn and did some more swimming in the hot tub. And got treated to breakfast in bed the next morning. Grammy and Different Papa are SOOO much fun.
Sunday morning was a little more relaxed. We ate our usual, not relaxed but somewhat leisurely, breakfast. Then it was off to the pool. The Goblin Child had the inner-tube that Grammy and Grandma brought last time, technically it was for 8 but she was making good use of it.She was nearly fearless with it’s assistance paddling around the pool and even jumping in.
We frolicked until lunch time then The Goblin Child got to ride in Sabbaths bike trailer and we were all off to Valentinos for lunch. Again we ate until stuffed then headed downtown to the museum. My crazed brother again riding his bike pulling Sabbath this time.
The UNL campus is beautiful. Lincoln was beautiful. All over trees were in full bloom, filling the air with their scent and pink, white and purple flowers. We walked around looking until the museum opened, The Goblin Child clinging to her beloved Different Papa the whole time. My mom used to bring all the kids she baby sat to elephant hall, we’d see the capital and do stuff downtown. It isn’t until I had kids and tried to do things with them that I realized how impressive that was. This was before mandatory car seats, she watched a lot of kids and squeezed them all into the little hatchback. She is awesome.
After we wore out there we went to yet another park near by, A waterway had been developed with playgrounds and bike paths and fountains. It was very nice, the kids loved it, we could have skipped the zoos and museums and played at all the parks for free and the kids would’ve had just as much if not more fun.
The Goblin Child got to ride clear back to the hotel on the bicycle. A very long ride. It was warm still when they left and I put a light wind breaker on her. We got back to the hotel and they weren’t there yet. We let 8 nap, hung out and visited, they still weren’t there. Finally we spotted them pulling into the parking lot, from the third floor window we could see her little head bobbing as she slept. It had gotten much colder as they traveled but she was cozy back there sound asleep.
They had another sleepover that night. Again lots of fun, swimming and food followed by breakfast in bed. We were doubly grateful for this sleepover as 8 was up screaming most of the night.
The next morning it was time to tear ourselves away and head home.
Yes thank you gramy and papa the kids loved the sleep over I already miss my sisters and family was so happy to take g.c for a ride on the bike
was that the end? I want to hear more! And, if you could, would you please go back and put captions under the pictures? I love to read them! HaHa! Am still expecting a cleaning bill from the hotel for the fu sleep over and eating strawberries and chocolate muffins in bed. I would love it if we could all live in a hotel and the kids could have sleep overs every night! Even the yearlings!
I wish it were a longer visit! Sabbath and Truly loved playing with their cousins!! We need to do it again