22 September 2014

Goodnight Kisses

The child had decided to give up sleep. She was no longer tired but wide awake in the middle of the night, often appearing at our bedside asking to cowor or watch T (color  and T.V. for the non-child speakers). No matter that every time we put her right back to bed, she persisted. The only way we were able to convince her to go back to sleep was to sit in the rocking chair next to her and wait. If we decided to soon that she was safely asleep and tried to sneak out she would jerk upright from her pillow and demand that we ssst (sit that is).

After a month of that she has decided she is tired again. Finally we are getting a, mostly, full nights sleep. She is still usually up by five thirty, we are happy to turn the T.V. on by then if it allows us to go back to bed for that last treasured half hour.

Last night after a late evening at friends, where she spent the evening playing with those fun older kids, she was ready for bed. We put her pj’s on before leaving for home in hopes that she would be asleep by the time we got home. She was not. After getting in the door and getting our things put down we told her it was time for bed. She didn’t argue.

I told her to say goodnight to kitty who was twining about our legs. She crouched down reaching with both hands for what I thought was going

We love kitty,sometimes kitty loves back.

to be one of her over enthusiastic embraces. Instead she braced on either side of kitty to give it a nice gentle kiss goodnight.

Passing Daddy we stopped to say goodnight and she happily kissed his cheek.

Lovingly amused by her uncharacteristic sweetness her loving father told her to say goodnight to Daisy. She bent over and gave Daisy a sweet kiss on the top of her head.

Proceeding to the bedroom  she walked over to the bed and climbed in. Saying goodnight, I missed my kiss, I left her there and she stayed. We are so happy to return the the good old days of a child who sleeps. This added sweetness isn’t too bad either.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted September 22, 2014 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Soapbox


  1. By Justin on

    it is interesting how all living beings are different looks personality what have you there is no one way fixes all no 3 step program yet the school system has one test for all some religion have one set of rules Jesus had different story for different times different reaction for different people today we have all kinds of churches I find it interesting that children are expected to do as told sleep all night never have emotional breakouts when as adults we I strogel to sleep often want my way or need to be huged it is hard to show bydoing by liveing a good wellbehved life children are likea mmirror that shows your good and bad it is hard to look but important to see the mirror of me Good luck sleeping

    1. By Neversummer on

      Beautifully stated as always. The older she gets the more I see how completely she mirrors us. It\’s still hard to remember, all the time,to behave in a way I want to see mirrored .

  2. By tellingson on

    so, as grown ups do you now show a mirror image of your parents as they raised you? You are both different, yet in some ways the same. Responsible, hard working, love the One True God. I recently heard that no matter how hard we try our children have with in them the deciding factor on how they will be. Probably true to some extent, I don\’t know. Needing little sleep is supposed to be a sign of genius, which you have always felt she was!

    1. By Neversummer on

      I neither expect nor want my children to grow up to be an exact mirror image of me. She does however take note of and try out most of the behaviors her parents display. So I will resist the urge to kick the cat, I will speak kindly to her and her father, try to always say please and thank you and so on. They will thankfully grow up to have their own fascinating personalities but at this stage isn\’t mirroring how they learn?
      I will definitely do my best to show her proper sleeping habits, lets hope she picks that one up quickly.

  3. By tellingson on

    You don\’t think it is strange or bad that a horse you train mirrors you, why wouldn\’t a child mirror it\’s parents? It is hard to always be good, but so important to try in front of your child. One hates to think we would act in the way we often see parents act and are horrified by. Just read some where that living with a two year old is like living with a green broke horse, exciting and very funny in hind- sight. And I really think, even after they grow up, they still mirror their parents. Isn\’t that just genetics?


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