21 October 2013


I am going to have to do this eventually so I might as well get it over with.

A couple of weeks ago Nevel was hit by lightening. He was eating happily on their round bale in one of the lowest spots on the place out in the open surrounded by much taller trees, metal buildings and power lines. It didn’t make a difference. His life was short and sweet, I was glad to be blessed with him as long as I was.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted October 21, 2013 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Pumpkinvinefarms", "Soapbox


  1. By justin on

    the Lord\’s voice is heard over the sea the glorious god thunders the Lord\’s voice is powerful and majestic the Lord\’s voice breaks the trees the Lord\’s voice makes the desert shake the Lord gives strength to his people trust in the Lord and he will take care of you thin your goodness will shine like the sun

  2. By Tellingson on

    I have been thinking about the way we never know how long some one will be in our life. Ones we think will be with us always just disappear. It always hurts. Some times I wonder if it really is better to have loved and lost. One thing I do know is, we who love our Lord will, eventually, be together forever. And I believe God in his goodness will give us back the animals we love.


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