It was short, way too short, but better than nothing. We got to go see my parents and my brother and his wife and son. It even rained so my combine driving husband was able to get away from the wheat field and come with. I think he would have preferred to be in his combine but I liked having him along. (While it would have been nice to get the wheat harvested, I enjoyed seeing all the places my wife hung out as as a child. — the husband)
We all met in Omaha since it is conveniently in the middle. For two very quick days we celebrated The Goblin Child’s birthday, just a little early. She had a blast with her Grandma and Uncle. They are like baby whisperers or something. I don’t think the two small children knew the rest of us were even there. We went to some of the old hang outs, Louisville, the town and the park, Platte River State Park and the fish hatchery. It was a whirlwind tour but we got to climb the tower and walk to the water fall. (My favorite part was the paddle boats on the lake…very pretty and very fun! — the husband)
When we were kids we spent a lot of time swimming at Louisville, the park not the town. It was amazing how small it looked now. We stopped for ice cream in Louisville, the town not the park, it was as good as ever. (*Some* of us stopped for ice cream… — the husband)
After spending the morning seeing my new nephew we headed for Nebraska City. We girls stopped briefly to tour my dads hometown, Plattsmouth. I love it with its big hills and beautiful old houses. We saw dads old house. He thinks it’s one of the oldest in town it was an old homestead that got added onto. Learn something new every time.
The guys went to the SAC Air museum. They missed out on all the fun. (Yep, we didn’t have any fun at all did we guys? That’s our story and we are sticking to it. — the husband)
We got to Nebraska City with a couple of hours to spare before everything closed and spent them at the Arbor Day Tree Adventure. It was cool. Mom got us an affordable rate at the Lied Lodge it was beautiful. I remember going there right after it opened. We had to go check it out because my grandpa had helped build it. (Nebraska City is just awesome…all the way around. — the husband)
Before we knew it it was time to head home. We didn’t get to spend near enough time but what we had was great. The Goblin Child was fascinated by her cool older cousin, and of course his overactive father. Her grandpa has all the important qualities: facial hair, glasses and a hat. Then of course there is her grandma, I wish we lived closer so they could see each other more often, they had so much fun together. Sorry Stephanie She really liked you too but it’s hard to compete with Justin, I think she liked him better than us.
We had really wanted to visit all the rest of the family while we were down there but the whole time thing always gets in the way. Hopefully next time.
It was a lot of fun! Sabbath loved Elly so much, when you went to your room one night he asked \” where baby go?\”. I loved how he would give her hugs and kisses and share his apple. He needs a sibling….lol.
of course I,m crying now. Wish we were closer. Gonna go feel sorry for myself for a while