11 June 2013

A First Ride and Nose Flies

I rode Nevel!!!!!!

I’m not sure I put enough exclamation marks/points ( dang what are those things called?) behind that to properly convey my excitement. He was awesome. Paula is doing an excellent job with him. He was light and responsive we did at least one beautiful rollback. Paula even watched The Small Goblin Child so I could ride. This is full service training.

But that was yesterday. Today she called just as I was getting ready to head over that way to say that she wasn’t going to ride him. She was going to help Allen move cattle instead. I was sad.

However, they had an extra horse if I would like to come along? I would of course love to go ride but, I explained, I had to child to watch. That was alright she said Sandra would baby sit! I was delighted and rushed over. I knew which horse they would put me on, Trouble is the grand-kids horse and I had borrowed him before for my mom to ride and gone riding with him being ridden by Sandra. He is a great horse for my skill level quiet and dependable but surprisingly responsive, a joy to ride.

And I broke him.

Not broke as in broke to ride, broke as in broken needs fixed.

Not to far down the road he began the tell tale head tossing that means nose flies. I hoped I was wrong, maybe I was holding the reins to tight. I tend to ride with contact. So I loosened them and he tossed harder. Allen suggested tightening them and it offered a little more control at least. He was still nice to ride, very upset but not offering to buck or bolt and we made it maybe two miles out before he could not handle it any more.

Nose flies, for anyone who doesn’t know, are large flies that look some what like a bot fly only black that buzz around a horses nose trying to fly up it. I can’t imagine it to be pleasant. It can be distinguished by a very stiff stance with head and neck extended and lips compressed tightly. Maybe a wild half crazed look of dread in their eyes. Horses will gallop madly around their pastures trying to get away. Or stand at their tanks dipping their noses into the water to keep the flies out. Riding a horse with nose flies is nearly impossible. They spend the whole time frantically shaking their heads, pawing and striking. My gelding has thrown himself to his knees and walked on them pushing his nose along the ground.

Trouble finally had enough of a  fit that I hopped off. I no longer claim to be the big time trainer person. I gave that up many moons ago, before I became old and crippled up and had a small child cut out of my stomach taking any stomach muscles I had with her. Now I am humble and even less of a brave rider than I ever was. So he and I walked back to the house. I did get on him once we got there so we didn’t end on such a bad note. We rode around the arena a little and he was back to his usual great self. At least I didn’t break him permanently.

Oh well. I guess I tried and it was a nice ride as long as it lasted. It was so nice to have someone to babysit so I could ride a little. This has got to be the best horse training ever. I hope they didn’t think I was too big a baby and decide never  to ask again. It’s so embarrassing not to be able to ride the kids horse.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted June 11, 2013 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Pumpkinvinefarms", "Soapbox


  1. By tellingson on

    this is so horrible, and I am glad you remind me of it every year, other wise I am pretty sure we would have moved out there by now.
    can it be that there is nothing you can use to keep the flys out of their noses? seems like a person could get rich if they invented something


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