Sweet Devil Child

I keep thinking that it is time to add a new category for the posts. Every story I have to tell about the small goblin child seems to involve poop. So short of a category titled poop I thought perhaps “Stories she will hate me for when she grows up”.
Catchy right?
I swore I wouldn’t be one of those moms who did nothing but sit around and tell poop stories. But here I am. Sad isn’t it? Most of my days are spent watching the goblin child, feeding her and changing diapers. I try to clean house, keep the dishes and laundry done, I tried some Christmas decorating but all of it is regularly interrupted to the point that nothing really gets done. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade it for any thing. I went back to work for a couple of days last week and as much as I enjoyed seeing old friends and talking to someone who can talk back, it drove me crazy being away from her.
All I’m saying is that I have nothing to write but poop stories.They are such impressive poop stories though. Usually all over her sweet loving father. Especially if he is up at four in the morning feeding her. One time they managed to cover him, the rocking chair and the carpet. But I will stop myself there. I think her diaper needs changed.
yes, I think she will hate you for this. Just wait till you show these to her boy friends.
Really who can blame her.
by the way, why cant I click on the pictures and make them big any more? and I really like it when you put cute little comments under them.
So, can you fix all that for me? Or do I need to start telling MY stories about YOU?
They changed the way we put pictures in. If I write stuff it will show up on that other page that comes up. If you click on the picture on that page the picture will get bigger. Anything please just don\’t start telling the stories about me!