Horses My Brother Finds for Me
Ever since I mentioned that I was thinking about another horse my brother has been finding me suitable candidates. All of them in Illinois and Wisconsin (far, far away). If not for the distance I really like most of his choices. He has the same slightly twisted taste in horses as I do. We both look for something other than obvious good looks. I like to think we go for something deeper. Good bone, big hooves, staying power, general good or at least interesting character. Maybe we just like weird.
My brothers apparent favorite so far is this little Halflinger. They even went to look at him, in hopes I think of me or our mother giving in and buying it. They said it was very fat, near to foundering. My brother hopped on and tried the boy out. bareback of course. Who wouldn’t try out an unknown, green broke horse bareback? I wish I had the seat and confidence he does. The horse was to fat to succeed at bucking and willing if uneducated. Although he was willing to bring the Halfy home our mother was not and it didn’t suit any of my requirements.
My favorite is this little Morgan cross. His price is right but other than that he doesn’t fit any of my requirements either. I like him though. His hooves are huge and what a nice butt. He, like the Halflinger, is a very nice height. The poor guys head looks gigantic in the, required, really bad Craigslist photo. He is not gaited, not old, not really, really broke. If I were looking for a prospect he might be fun.
And the runners up are:
Chocolate palomino Morgan gelding. My gelding had a brother that sold with him who was this color. Could this be him?
Possibly Saddle bred, possibly walking horse, she’s not sure. Are the pictures supposed to be of her or the horse? What exactly is she selling?
Green broke mustang stallion, wow he really takes the cake. Free to a good home or 450 to a bad one. I gotta admit I don’t see the appeal here unless it’s to give this poor, ugly, sucker a chance.
So far despite his best efforts I am keeping my horse search nearer to home. I’m still thinking the little Paso mare is the winner. I can’t stop looking though horse shopping is too fun.
By pure coincidence I came across a grey Morgan mare for sale. Not just a grey Morgan but of course a half sister to Nev. She was out of a mare I have ridden and enjoyed, Wintermoon Light Kisses, and right next door here in Arthur. I called, mostly because I was amazed to see another Morgan so close, we really have nothing but quarters and their derivatives out here. The last thing I need or even want is another one of these, it would be just too much.

Of course there is this one though.
Black gaited Morgan gelding. He is gaited, he is older, he is not quiet not like I need, he is not close. I am trying so hard not to be set on Morgan, trying to prove I am not one of those obnoxious people who think their breed is the only one that’s any good and everything else is trash. Sometimes it seems like I am surrounded by them out here with my not quarter horses. I really do love a good variety of breeds and types but it is hard not to keep coming back to the old tried and true. Plus my moms all time favorite came from Missouri Vally that seems like a good reason to look right there.