29 February 2020

Happy Birthday 8!

We’ve been very busy celebrating 8’s birthday week. We don’t believe in one birthday day, he deserves at least a weeks worth of celebrating.

We had a small family celebration last weekend. They got to play with the cousins and he opened his presents from us. Of course there was cake.

Then, not on his birthday, the school was having a different sort of celebration and we thought that would be enough for one day, so shortly after his birthday, he got to take treats to school and have a party there.

He has been getting wonderful packages inn the mail all week and delights in ripping into them.

This weekend we had some friends over to celebrate his birthday again. They played with tractors, ate popcorn out of the tractors, spread the popcorn  across the floor to scoop up with the tractors, oh dear.

I think we may be done now. I know I need a break from  all the partying.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted February 29, 2020 by Neversummer in category "8


  1. By Grammy on

    Wow those are the bluest cupcakes I have ever seen! That boy has the biggest brightest smile I have ever seen!


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