1 November 2019

Halloween ’19

It was cold. That pretty much sums up Halloween this year. At least it had warmed up from the days before. From near zero to the forties during the day at least.

Both children went trick or treating with their classes. I got to go along for both. The Goblin Child actually asked me to come with her class, she never wants me to do anything! Of course I went! 8 still likes me to come along for everything. I’ll enjoy that while I can.

The preschool class went down main street t all the buildings then to the nursing home. The first grad went to the nursing home then around the school.

After school we ate supper at the church and enjoyed their trunk or treat and the meal they provide. It makes it so much easier than trying to rush home or pack a supper. Then  we went around one block. Whitten Brenna and Owen cam with as usual. They were sweet and well behaved. Our never are.

The Goblin Child took off with her older cousins and some friends of theirs. We didn’t see her again for the rest of the night. She was of course frozen solid when we found her to bring her home. She had refused to put on the coat I brought her and the long sleeved shirt that had been comfortable in the evening was not warm enough for the cold night.

8 was very tired from a full day of celebrating and cold barely make it around. He was warmer since he had allowed me to put a sweat shirt on him of not his ghost costume. He declared in the middle of the crowds of people also out celebrating that he had to pee. We were no where near anything or houses of anyone we knew. We found the deserted corner of a recently emptied lot and wished it was darker. So much fun 😉

They were finished after the one block and begged to go home. They didn’t want to go to any of the other houses we usually stop by or see the neighbors we visit on the way home. We drug them to a couple then went home and let them go to bed. Very early. It made for a nice night for us. We watched Sleepy Hollow.


Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted November 1, 2019 by Neversummer in category "8", "Family", "Goblin Child

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