Year Of The Fort
The Goblin Child, 8, and the cousins have been busy at work all summer building a fort. A coupe of forts really. They are turning the dump into a shanty town.
One is an old stock rack that they put some boards over to make a bit of a roof. It has a seat and looks a bit like a building.
The other is much more creative.
There are many thing involved not the least of which is a cement block balanced precariously on a crushed rolled up tank holding their roof on. It kept falling down. The roof, not the cement block. Luckily. Everyday they were resetting it. Redesigning. Now they have decided to set some posts. It might make it a little sturdier. If nothing else it gets rid of the cement block. But the posts aren’t even enough for their roof to sit flat on. Carpentry is not their strong point. I’m sure they will come up with some ingenious plan to solve that problem though.
As much as snakes, spiders, rusty nails and falling cement blocks scare me, I love to see them out playing, building things with their hands, solving problems and being creative. I will insist they wear boots and take them to get tetanus shots if needed and let them roam free.
over their heads to hold a roof on.
That is so cool .