We Survived!
I’m not completely sure how, sometimes it was touch and go but Halloween is over and we are still alive.
The holiday started early with a trunk or treat in the big city. Main street was shut down and local businesses and clubs pulled cars, and motorcycles, in and decorated them. They did a great job, the Kiwanis club is awesome for doing this. 8’s favorite was the feed store, they had a stock trailer instead of a trunk and were dressed as a horse, a chicken and two pigs. 8 stood and stared, they weren’t like the horses and chickens he’s used to. He kept saying “neigh” and “bock” and they kept giving him more candy. I don’t know what anyone else’s favorite were. I was busy following an over tired 8 around as he through himself to the ground and crawled around. Neither one of them took naps that day and by evening they were tired and more than a little rotten.
Halloween was a very long day. Because small towns are awesome, 8 and I got to go along with the preschool trick or treating. They went to the nursing home then to all the businesses downtown. It was quite a walk and as much fun as we had many of the kids were exhausted by the end. I was exhausted. 8 needed carried most of the way and my arms are about to fall off today. Back at the school we left The Goblin Child to enjoy her school party without us butting in.
After lunch it was home for naps then up and right back to it. As soon as school got out for the afternoon we joined friends and went to the Methodist church for their trunk or treat and hot dogs. It is such a nice church, they are very active with a preschool, summer bible camp and now this. It was nice not to have to run clear home and then back in after supper and let us start, and finish, earlier. Going around our tiny town the children overflowed their buckets. People were giving out the good stuff too, hardly a tootsie roll in the bunch.
what cute costumes! Did you and your friend get together and decide on the theme?