13 February 2016


We spend lots of time shopping there, not because we want to necessarily, but they are almost the only store in town and fairly cheap. Certainly not because we like them. Although people watching can be “interesting” there to say the least. But I don’t usually have a problem with them other than the typical driving out small local business complaint.

I received a text from my mother the other day that changed that.

It’s pretty blurry, I didn’t see what it was about at first. But then she pointed it out, there on the second shelf down on the left in green. It is The Bible under romance and fiction. This isn’t at our local store, around here, I think, people would still have a fit at such a thing. I realize it isn’t a company run by anyone with any particular religious affiliations. Although old Sam Walton was active in the Bentonville Church of Christ it seems he was nudged to any charitable or religious action by his wife, and that they only gave a very small amount to charities when he was around.

But they do sell a good number of faith based books. Enough to compete with christian book stores. And here they are with the Bible filed as fiction. The romance part I don’t have a problem with, it is the greatest love story ever told. While there is plenty of good biblical fiction available that is a completely different matter.

What would the reaction be if any other religion was treated like this? Can you imagine the uproar and cries of discrimination? While I really don’t expect any better of Walmart I do hope this was of a single employee thinking they were making a grand statement, not company policy. I think we will try to keep even more of our business at our little local store.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted February 13, 2016 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Movies", "Soapbox


  1. By tellingson on

    It is pretty surprising isn\’t it? I thought they were a faith based store, only because of the number of religious books they sell, and I thought I heard before they didn\’t sell some things because of the context. Probably should have talked to some one about it, but there was no one around and didnt have the gumption to go up to the complaint office. Hope it was just a mistake. Now a days you never know.

  2. By Kristine Armitage on

    I saw this and thought the same thing, but if you look at it from a different prespective, what better way to reach the masses.. The Lord does not send missionaries in to countries or areas that already know Christ, he sends them to place that doesn\’t know about the Lord, as with walmart. The Lord wants to reach his children anytime and anyplace, so some goes there looking for a book and sees the bible and picks it up and starts reading it in return he gains a follower and a lost child and everyone is better for it.. this not a bad thing just a God thing..


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