17 January
Still Cold
Although it has warmed up considerably from zeros to nearly freezing!
Sometimes it has been beautifully foggy and frosty
And we built snowmen
And played with the horses
Sometimes the sun has shown and we played in the snow
And petted Daisy
8 Has gone for rides, on Coyote
You have your own four wheeler to drive
Stuck inside we painted
And raided the refridgerator
I got another really awesome computer upgrade
He got lots of help
And again we sledded
What? You don’t think this looks like sledding?
Of course it is. We travel in style
I knew there was another kid in there somewhere
The adults seem to enjoy it more than the children do
They were happy
Until we actually started sledding
One go, and some blood drawn
Then they were ready to go home
Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
So thankful to have a friend like you to do these things with!
At least we had fun even if the kids didn\’t. Sorry yours got so beat up
I love the pictures what fun
So come play with us!