6 November 2015

Small Town Halloween

I didn’t get a Halloween story written. I wanted to, even had ideas about a baby brother goblin to keep the Goblin Child company. He would dash about in his walker crashing into peoples ankles. Until the Goblin Child decided to stuff him back into the pumpkin he surely had come from. But I didn’t get it done, so take my description and imagine a good story to go with it.

I was at a bit of a loss as to what we were going to do. Moonlight madness our usual venue for trick or treating wasn’t being held this year. I hate change. (The trunk or treat they had instead was excellent but still)

My husband couldn’t understand my anxiety. We would trick or treat in town. Besides we had gone out the night before, what was the big deal, how much Halloween did we need? Silly question, you can never get too much of all things Halloween. So to town we went.

Arriving early we went to get the children’s pictures taken, donating our cans of food for The Good Neighbor center. Then we made rounds of our friends houses driving between stops. Along with the handfuls of candy, the good chocolate stuff home made plus homemade treats and other goodies, heaped into the pumpkin for the children, with everybody throwing in extra for 8, one house gave lottery tickets for the adults. We admired carved pumpkins, lights and costumes. Visited with friends not seen for ages and had a blast.

After our round about town and reaching exhaustion, the adults more than the children, we started for home. Not straight home of course, we had neighbors to visit. At one house we sat down to cookies and a glass of milk, a good long visit and still more candy. At another we got the great candy of course, plus the tour of yard lights The Goblin Child had long been anticipating. They always put up the best decorations, Halloween and Christmas, and every time we drove by for a week or two ahead of time she talked about getting Cowboy Bill to show her his lights. I hope it lived up to expectations.

Finally reaching home long after bed time we arrived home for a quick stop by the in-laws then, with the cousins, a little trick or treat to our house  where I had left candy out in hopes of a stray trick or treater stopping by. A fairly common theme among the more rural homes we stopped by, apparently we all hope to be found.

It was a long fun filled night and though the candy was great it was by no means the purpose or all the fun. We will definitely be Halloweening in our little town next year. Or maybe out of our little town.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted November 6, 2015 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Movies", "Soapbox


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