28 June 2015

The Best Summer Camp

June is almost over and with it the school summer camps. Mine is long since done. The Goblin Child got to attend another one the last week. There were so many fun sounding ones available it would be hard to choose which ones to join. The best of all though, in my humble opinion, was the one put on by my ever brilliant husband.

He did rockets.

Does it get any cooler than that? I don’t think so and neither did the gaggle of preteen boys and one very cool girl who participated. They set off rockets of every variety from match powered to mentos.  And with every launch the whole school turned out to watch.

The match rockets were cool. The idea and pattern came from this strange and interesting guy. It was precision engineering, I’m told. Each kid built there own. Some worked.

Some didn’t.

They all had fun.

I caught the tail end of the water rockets. I hear the others went higher.

The grand finale. Model rockets from a kit using real rocket engines and propellent. No home made stuff here.

They got done just before the rain. And in time for the play the theater camp put on. (It was very cute, the kids were adorable. The Goblin Child actually sat still for it.) The kids got to take home their rockets. If they have a launcher and the engine they could even launch them again. How was that not the best summer camp ever?


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Posted June 28, 2015 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Soapbox


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