6 November 2014

Corn Harvest

is long since over and done with.

But just because I didn’t get around to writing about it at the time doesn’t mean I didn’t mean to. Now though I can’t remember anything about it to write. If I don’t mention it though next year when we are trying to remember when they got the corn out and look here for help there wont be any. So I think we decided that they started about the nineteenth of October. They were about the first ones to be going on the corn and none of the elevators were ready to take it. The corn also had to be extra dry since it was going to be on the very bottom. A lot of timer was spent waiting for the elevators to be open and grumbling when they closed at four thirty during corn harvest.

The weather cooperated and the corn was in good shape for once. I am told it is because corn prices dropped so of course it was a good harvest when it’s not worth anything.

The Goblin Child and I took over cow duty, for the few here at home at least. returning the every day escapees to their pasture and finally sorting them and a bull and my little white calf off into the corrals. It is long past time for bulls to be pulled and I hoped to give Poppy a break without her huge calf to feed to put on some weight for winter. The Goblin Child loved helping fix fence, she gets a pair of pliers and works happily along side of me often stopping to tell me that she’s “hep” ing me. Checking the cows while we were out there we played in the pond a little. It’s so fun to see the things she remembers like the boat from our recent vacation.

I think The Goblin Child has decided she would like to be a mechanic when she grows up. She loves playing with wrenches and ratchets and generally  “hep”ing he father. I understand that she enjoys riding in the combine too, as long as I’m not there. When I am there she squirms and wiggles and climbs up and down and probably enjoys it but I’m not sure the rest of us do.

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted November 6, 2014 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Soapbox


  1. By Justin on

    elly looks happy I\’m so glad you get her out side to live I do my best to instill a curiosity and love for a full life of outdoor and number one God and church to be the good guys to help others and have compassion from the time I have spent with elly and her parents I no that has been a priority she is a wonderful little girl ps me and Sabbath and Stephanie went for a drive to see combins working in the field it was a success

  2. By Justin on

    I just saw elly in her boat you no some one that would like to play in that lake me and probably Sabbath to


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