17 December 2013

Christmas Programs

We are headed to Illinois to spend Christmas with my family this year. We didn’t go last year because the prospect of that much traveling with the small Goblin Child was more than we could handle. It still is, she does not travel well, but we decided to persevere. Flying is fast once we get to the airport, only a two or three hour drive. Carrying a crying child on a plane for two hours then trying to walk the mile from our backwoods terminal at O’Hare, seriously we unload onto the runway, they roll out the little steps and everything, while dragging suitcases a child and car seat  was to much.

We thought about driving, two days with the Goblin Child in a car seat. Have I mentioned that she doesn’t hold still? Ever. We were trying to decide wich sounded least awful when a friend asked if we had thought about taking the train. We had not but it sounded like a good idea, so we got tickets.

I am excited and terrified at the same time. The station we chose is four and a half hours according to google. We get on the train around midnight at a stop that has no services no anything but a parking lot. The number of things I can think of that could go wrong are astounding, the ones that haven’t occurred to me yet boggle the mind.

Other than that it sounds great, we splurged for a room. Folding bunk beds, ah the luxury. I am hopping the child will fall back asleep after we find our room carrying a screaming child through a train full of people trying to sleep at midnight. She really is a good kid traveling just has not worked well so far.

Have I mentioned that on the return trip we get off the train around the same time? Later I think. Our car will have been sitting there by its self probably in below zero weather for a week. I’m sure nothing could go wrong there.

Christmas in Illinois though. I am looking forward to it, seeing family and all that but mostly we get to go to the Christmas program at Willow Creek church. It is awesome. Sorry mom, Justin, glad to see you guys too. We also get to see the Christmas program at the church school where my brother works, also awesome. They are huge beautiful productions very grand and well done with great music and gorgeous decorations. They are a highlight of the trip every time we get to go.

But last Sunday we went to a much smaller Christmas program. It starred some tiny children and some medium sized children. Most lines were remembered, the lambs wandered a bit. One spent the whole time facing the back of the stage. It was great. It was sweet and funny and very well produced. Really I loved it just as much as the big fancy one I am looking forward to seeing so much.

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Posted December 17, 2013 by Nitebreeze Admin in category "8", "Books", "Bugs", "Chickens", "Computer", "Cows", "Dogs", "Family", "Farming", "Garden", "Goblin Child", "GPS", "Horses", "It's a God thing", "Misc.", "Movies", "Music", "Soapbox


  1. By Stephanie on

    we can\’t wait to see you guys! I hope all goes well and no screaming child but a calm and too tired to cry one that will go straight back to bed! 🙂 🙂

  2. By justin on

    I am jealous what a adventure the thought of it makes me tired. with small children life can be some what crazy Sabbath is looking forward to elly but sed she can\’t sleep at are house he is a little concerned


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