Three Days
Apparently it’s our magic number.
After planting our garden seeds it took three days for the first shoots to appear. One tomato shot up like crazy and when we looked real close we could see teeny little petunia starts. I guess the seeds weren’t to small to ever do anything.
I don’t see how it could be true but…. we did plant in the right phase of the moon. I’ve always scoffed at those who check their farmers almanac to make sure they are planting, castrating calves or what ever else with the proper moon cycle. How ever, the seeds are supposed to take approximately a week to germinate. We could experiment, start a few of the same seeds when the almanac says not to.
The Nev is also doing things in threes. On our third day of working on it he had the tap on shoulder move leg thing down. Today on what I believe is day six (hey, it’s divisible by three) we took a walk and he used it to dig a hole in a pile of much. I hope nobody had plans for it. He thought that it was so much fun that it was a reward in its self. And he took three consecutive steps with some forward movement and lots of big leg swinging. I would almost go so far as to call it a Spanish walk.
On our walk in the snow we enjoyed lots of training opportunities. A farm yard is full of things that need desensitizing to and I am going to have to ride him through here one day so how better to start than on the ground? We played around semis and grain bins, piles of stuff on the ground. In the distance we saw cows partially hidden behind trees. So many things, so little spooking, I can’t wait to start riding him.
I have read that horses learn best in three lessons, or to do the same lesson for three days, then let it rest a day. maybe it is true. Nevil looks so cute. cant wait to be your ground crew in oklahoma city.