Ordering Seeds
It’s almost that time. This is getting to be more excitement than I can handle. Not spring, although that is exciting it’s a little ways off. It’s time to replenish our seed supply. We sit down with the over abundance of catalogs and the carefully ordered seeds to see what is needed. My obsessive compulsive husband has the seeds neatly stored in alphabetical order and a carefully compiled list of what was planted last year. Going down the list we see what is missing and what we want to try different.
He enjoys (I think) humoring me with a new unusual type of pumpkin each year. Last year I went with Jarrahdale, my beautiful grey pumpkins and
a big flattened dark orange pumpkin whose name I can not remember right now. I loved them both. This year I really went out on a limb and chose the Connecticut Field pumpkin. It’s an heirloom variety predating 1700 and said to have been grown by the pilgrims. And it’s a plain old orange pumpkin, not flat, not warty just plain old jack-o-lantern type.
Every thing else was pretty basic. The usual beans, beets, carrots, corn and so on. Last years watermelons were incredible and huge. There was so much cantaloupe that half of it rotted in the field. My expert gardener husband doesn’t even like cantaloupe but he plants lots for the rest of us to enjoy. We tried a new type of sweet corn last year it is supposed to be the sweetest of all. Unfortunately someone decided to be born about the time it was ready and we didn’t get to eat any of it. This year we hope not to have any interruptions of that sort.
It is always so much fun to pour through the seed catalogs trying to decide on the best and/or most interesting varieties to try.
wow, Larel is very well organized. wonder if the pilgrims made jack o lanterns?