Micro Greens
First it was purple now green, I’m working my way through the colors.
Looking through the latest Martha Stewart Living I found an article on growing sprouts and micro greens. It may be a good magazine to replace Glamor after all.We have been surviving without home grown greens for so long we thought we would experiment with growing these.
I don’t know what sprouts are supposed to be eaten with or on but there were a couple of recipes included in the article. I do love grilled cheese with tomato. Their suggestion of grilled cheese with bacon, apple and sprouts I don’t know about. Martha may just be to cool for me.
So, sure that we would find some use for them, we began our little experiment it will be fun to see what happens.
Megan, it was SO good getting to chat with you today! I hope we take the time to chat more often:-) Your blog is awesome! i haven\’t read all your entries yet of course, been busy with a little man, but the sprouts story made me think about the sprouts we used to grow when I was a kid. They were mostly wheat or alfalfa sprouts and we ate them on salad mostly, but sometimes we\’d eat them on sandwiches with hummus. Weird I know, but in the winter it was a way to get some fresh food. It reminded me that I have some seeds in the cupboard that I should go start. We haven\’t had any fresh food in awhile either. I\’ve never planted them in soil, I usually just keep watering them in a jar until they\’re big enough. I\’ll be anxious to hear how yours turn out!
Talk to you soon, LaRee.
Wow Megan, when you were little I loved growing sprouts. ate them with tomato and miracle whip on what ever my favorite bread was. We didnt plant them in dirt though, we grew them in a glass container, cant remember the exact details, just that they were kept wet and were so good! history repeats itself!