Hot Chocolate
I got yet another Christmas present today! First I got a new bale feeder for the horses. One that wont rub their manes off. Then we got a new light for Ellys bed room. All my Christmas presents from everybody else, too many to count. Now from my darling husband a box of hot chocolate.
What that doesn’t sound impressive? This isn’t just any old hot chocolate. This is special ordered form California. My absolute favorite kind. Not the kind that you drink ether. It is the Firecracker, a hand crafted dark chocolate bar with hot peppers that explodes in your mouth like pop rocks of old. Or as they put it rather more eloquently, “Sultry sea salt, smoky chipotle, and popping candy exploding in dark chocolate”. He followed that with the Spicy Maya Bar, which, according to them is “the perfect mix of sweet and seductive”. Yum, I am going to be so fat. I suppose I will have to share them with my dearest husband. He is after all the founder of the feast.
It makes me wish though that I had gotten him something. Anything at all really.
Poor guy.
I was looking at their web sight and I think I found next years present for my parents! The maple bacon bar, because “every thing is better with bacon”. I think I will stick to chocolate with hot peppers.
every thing IS better with bacon! I have tried your pop rock chocolate candy and it is not a good thing. but what can you expect from someone who does not get her husband even one present!