My New Old Computer
Earlier this winter my tech genius husband remodeled his computer . Many of the old parts were good just not good enough, so with all these computer parts laying around he decided to redo my old Mac. My dad gave me the old Mac way back in the early 2000’s when he got a new one, it was still good just not good enough. He may also be a bit of a geek, I love geeks. I haven’t used it much since I got my beloved little Netbook but before the Mac went into temporary retirement she was still working great for an old girl, I believe this series came out in ’99?
I removed all Apple components from inside. they were not upgradeable and severely outdated. Replaced them with more modern PC hardware, quite a challenge because Apple did things there own way. The case modifications made insure that new PC hardware upgrades can be made easily in the future. With the new hardware we were able to install the newest version of OSX, Mavericks. At some point I will install Windows Seven as well and dual boot between operating systems.
I thought his computers remodel was impressive, it was nothing compared with this.
Very impressive. I don\’t know what else to say, cause, as you know, I have no idea what to say. At least I didn\’t see any thing that says samsung
I don\’t no much about computers don\’t have one but the band saw I like a little jealous I really want one good job
Are these tools in your carage or the school shop. I though your dremel tool would be handy for this kind of work too.
Hi dad! They are out in the shop here at home. The Dremel probably would have worked great. Didn\’t think about it. That was some really hard drilling through the case we were amazed at how hard the metal was, it would\’ve really made the Dremel work.